Erhu Remix Project Edinburgh Festival Fringe Trailer
Here are some highlights from our pilot project at Edinburgh Festival Fringe 2024.
Our first show at the Edinburgh Festival FringeFun interactive cultural exchange via erhu remix experimentAudience captivated by Cheng’s emotional performanceBumping into our Out Of Hand flyer distributer on the Royal MileMembers of the Edinburgh Chinese Music Ensemble came to see our showMaking new friends in the queue for Meet the MediaChan talking about Liminal at the Asian Arts Award launch party Asian Arts Award Launch Party
Walking in LineVideo projectionDance and erhuLongitudes connectInteractive erhu remix experimentChan talking with Anneliese and Arthur
Liminal open rehearsal in Shanghai!
We held an open rehearsal of Liminal at Label Dance Studio in Shanghai on 22 July.
We were so glad to see new and familiar faces at our open rehearsal!
Audiences also took part in a live remixing experiment of erhu score 烛影摇红 Candle Shadow Flickers Red using a special deck of playing cards.
We received supportive feedback from our audience, who also celebrated our journey having seen our progress on social media.
This was the best way to get ready for the Edinburgh Festival Fringe!
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Contact us
We are looking for collaborators for the next project, contact us for more information.